Useful References on Writing

You might find the following books and websites on writing and teaching writing useful.

L2 Writing
Purdue University Second Language Writing Research Network Forum at
Very useful site for books and articles on L2 writing. (Site recently down, may be accesible through the Owl at Purdue site.

Brookes, Arthur and Grundy, Peter (1998) Beginning to Write: Writing Activities for Elementary and Intermediate Learners (CUP)

Ferris, Dana and Hedgcock, John (1998) Teaching ESL Composition ( Lawrence Erlbaum)

Li, Xiao-Ming (1996) ‘Good writing’ in Cross-cultural Context (NYU Press)

Cory, Hugh (1999) Advanced Writing with English in Use (OUP)
Practical book with exercises for CAE exam. Examples used in the session.

See the United States National Council for the Teaching of English (NCTE) Statement on Second Language Writers

Academic Writing
Giltrow, Janet (1995) Academic Writing (Broadview Press)
Lots of examples and useful exercises. Uses a genre-based rhetorical approach.

Lillis, Theresa (2001) Student Writing: Access, Regulation, Desire (Routledge)
A research-based study of academic writing practices.

Oshima, Alice and Hogue, Ann (1991/1999) Writing Academic English (Third Edition) (Longman) A practical book for beginner and intermediate students. Examples used in the session.

Children’s Writing
Derewianka, Beverly (1996) Exploring the Writing of Genres (UKRA)
An example of a genre-based approach. Example used in the session.

Graves, Donald (1982) Writing: Children and Teachers at Work (Heinemann)

Kress, Gunther (1997) Before Writing: Rethinking the Paths to Literacy (Routledge)
An approach to early children’s writing.

Perera, Katherine (1984) Children’s Writing and Reading (Blackwell)
Not a teaching book, but a study of children’s acquisition of written language.

Wray, David and Lewis, Maureen (1997) Extending Literacy: Children Reading and Writing Non-fiction (Routledge)

Writing and Teaching Writing: Overviews
Grabe, William and Kaplan, Robert (1996) Theory and Practice of Writing (Longman)

Tate, Gary, Corbett, Edward, Myers, Nancy (1994) The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook (Third Edition) (OUP)

Rijlaarsdam, Gert et al (2005) Effective Teaching and Learning of Writing: a Handbook of Writing in Education (Kluwer)

Other Books and Articles
Elbow, Peter (2000) Everyone Can Write (OUP)

Fulkerson, Richard (2005) ‘Composition at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century’ in College Composition and Communication, 56:4

Kress, Gunther (1982) Learning to Write (Routledge)

Kress, Gunther (2003) Literacy in the New Media Age (Routledge)

Kress, Gunther and van Leeuwen, Theo (2001) Multimodal Discourse (Arnold)

Pope, Rob (1995) Textual Intervention: Critical and Creative Strategies for Literary Studies (Routledge)

Sharples, Mike (1999) How we Write: Writing as Creative Design (Routledge)

Tonfoni, Graziella (2000) Writing as a Visual Art (Intellect)

Yancey, Kathleen Blake (2004) ‘Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key’ in College Composition and Communication, 56:2.

The US National Council for the Teaching of English (NCTE) has an interesting document called 'Guidelines on Writing'. This sets out the beliefs and views on the teaching of writing held by many teachers at elementary and high school level in the US.